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2020-11-24 18:46:02【情报最新】人次阅读

摘要“最不像情头”的情头,一左一右“动漫风”,学生党超爱的 我的心是你的。我的人是你的。我的一切都是你的。我要你陪我享一世的繁荣,我要陪你看尽一切的沧桑




My heart is yours. My people are yours. Everything is yours. I want you to accompany me to enjoy the prosperity of the whole world. I will accompany you to see all the vicissitudes of life.


The first time I said I love you, let me understand that the most romantic thing in the world is not to hold hands with you, but to live together with you.


The stars are shining in the sky, so I'm very happy to know you. One of the ten thousand hearts in the sky is my heart. When I miss you, I look at the stars and the stars, and remember to be happy every day.


关键词:学生党   左一

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